Giant spool of wire falls off truck, rolls down Pennsylvania highway (VIDEO)

Yesterday morning in Fayette County, in a scene that is shockingly not from a Japanese game show, a giant spool of wire fell off a truck and began rolling down Route 40. Motorists on the highway near Uniontown pulled off to the shoulder in what appears to be calm fashion, although we can't hear the terrifiend screams of people inside the cars, so we can't know for sure.

A driver from Alabama, Dave Cole, captured the incident on his cell phone, telling KDKA News,

“Not in all my traveling, I’ve never seen nothing like that. Seen quite a few accidents, but nothing quite like that,” Cole said.

It passes four cars, hits the guard rail, goes across two lanes, hits the median, and then looks like it’s going to stop, but it keeps on going and hits the guard rail again.

“[The spool] was probably eight to 10 feet across, and I’d say, just guessing, a couple thousand pounds. Pretty good size roll of wire,” Cole said.

Pretty good, indeed. 

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